Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Literally. I have cleaned out my diet, well sort of. I am now on my Summer ritual of drinking a lot of wine(probably too much) and only eating grains, greens, protein, and nuts. I tell you what, the combination is fucking crazy!!! I was so impressed with myself today I had to take a picture. I am also completely disgusted with myself, but I figured who better to share it with than you. I can't imagine showing anyone else this in the entire world, but you daddy. I hope you take that as the biggest compliment ever because it is. I mean really. What the fuck is going on in my body? Whatever it is it came out and is in this picture. Nothing like a good laugh from a great poop photo.
On a less shitty topic, I have two big meetings today. One with Julia to talk about some consulting things and the other with the production/entertainment company. Send good thoughts and positive vibes my way because I am making some "shit" happen today. Once again, I can't avoid the poop joke.

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