Monday, January 23, 2012

fight the darkness

good morning deaner.
i have just returned from my 7am yoga class, riding my bike to and from, picking up wheatgrass for MJ/apple juice+maca for Casey(MJ's assistant)/chia seeds for my breakfast.
it's disgusting and rainy/mist here, but the temperature is bearable so it's not that bad.
i feel wide awake and aware after having a long good night sleep.
i am fighting the darkness inside.
today there will be a lot of running around. sometimes i think it would be cool to chart my path for a week. every single place that i ride and bike to and see how the patter changes or stays the same. i have a feeling it would be a lot of the same path. maybe that will be a fun art project for me to do. maybe, just maybe, by giving my path a visual sense i can then change my course, take different routes, try new things, see new places, discover all that is out there.
i think as humans we become so comfortable in patterns. it is changing the pattern that really makes us grow and become better.
there was a time when i couldn't get myself out of bed to go to the 7am class. i would make excuses or justifications. then one day i challenged myself to at least try. try to do what physically what i had committed to mentally. sure, it is still had to get up some days, but i ALWAYS feel better once i am done and knowing i have done it. i have given myself an hour. one selfish hour to think only about myself and do movements that only benefit me. in return, i benefit others with my positive outlook. without yoga i would be cranky, stiff, and frankly in pain from all my past dance injuries.
i am telling you all this because yoga helps me fight the inner darkness. yoga isn't for everyone and i understand that. but for me, yoga is everything. it is silence, it is loudness, it is heat, it is chills, it is strength, it is stretch, it is endurance, it is resistance. it is a place where i am happy. a place where i am sad. it is an environment of acceptance and reassurance. it has been life changing and i am thankful.
find your yoga. find your place that forces you to step out of your patterns. find your place where you and only you can fight the darkness. it's out there so start looking for it.
you will know it when you find it.

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