Friday, January 28, 2011

Slush This!!!

Also known as "Fuck This" Weather!!! Currently it is 32˚ and we have another wonderful snow storm in our future... oh I just can't wait. The remainder of my day yesterday was wonderful; dance was a workout of both the mind and body, I read a lot on all of my subway venturing, I visited Marlow & Sons and enjoyed the company of my friend Robyn and all the other chefs that came up to say hello. It was great to see old faces and share in hugs and catching up. It was also great to look around and know that I don't work there any more, gotta tell ya, that felt amazing. Like most winter nights, I returned home around 7 and stayed my little warm cave for the rest of the night. Today I am baking a cake for Lovely Day, working on various proposals with Flannery, dropping off the cake, having tea/coffee with Marisa, stopping by Quinn's new restaurant(she is managing) to introduce myself to the mother of the owner who is doing all the desserts. I might help her out here and there, could be fun. Then I have to grocery shop for dinner tonight with four of my gal pals. None of us are drinking and two of the guests are doing cleanses so we will be having delicious water and soup, I know, sounds like a blast. It is more the company that I care about, they are all fantastic and we end up laughing so hard it hurts. I love you Daddy.
I miss you and California and fresh oj in the morning out on your patio.

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