Thursday, January 27, 2011

snow day

it began coming down last night. Daniel and I were on our way home after enjoying a Cheeseburger, Fries, and Wedge Salad at Black Iron Burger. By the time we reached our perch the thunder was booming and the flakes were swirling like cotton in a washing mashing. Awoken by the sound of shovels scraping against salt covered pavement scooping and moving the fresh frozen water from one place to another.
A leisurely morning was met by a busy coffee shop busting with warmth and talk of the current weather situation. After small talk with familiar faces I assisted Vanessa and her twins home. Vanessa is a beautiful young French mom, I would say in her early 30's, with twin daughters, I would say about two. They speak only French and they already have the stereotypical pout that is so often connected to their ethnic origin. They have very strong personalities and on this particular morning were both in the mood to scream and cry. As I watched Vanessa struggle to get both of them to cooperate and maneuver through the mounds of white that towered about their tiny frames, I decided to offer my assistance. I have some sort of strange ability to calm kids who are freaking out, maybe it was that year of being a nanny for Audrey? Maybe I just treat them like normal human beings and they appreciate that. Whatever it is, between Vanessa and I, we were able to quiet them and carry them home to their gorgeous apartment on 8th Street. I have never had a full conversation with Vanessa, merely surface coffee shop banter and acknowledgment. This morning the ice was broken, literally. I can see or more so sense that she really wants some normalcy in her life. I am assuming her husband makes the money and is often gone as I never see him and she is always battling her duo by herself. I am excited to venture into this new friendship. I know it will happen because of the way she was smiling and thanking me for my kindness when I dropped one of the girls on the front stoop. As her little feet hit the landing I glanced back at Mom, she had a look of astonishment on her face and stated in broken English, "wow, she has never let anyone pick her up like that without a fight... you have super powers. thank you so much." I am about to head out to make the long journey to the Upper West Side for Dance class. Then I am taking another long subway ride out to Brooklyn to meet up with an old friend who just quit at Marlow. She is also engaged so we are going to celebrate and hang out. Today is looking good. I am open to all the possibilities that it holds. The world is pretty magical if you just smile and open your arms. Taking it all in.

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