Monday, October 10, 2011

October is a pretty fucking awesome month

I don't know if I ever told you this, but historically for me, October has been that super strange month out of the year. I run into old friends, old boyfriends, have strange work encounters, get odd job offers, feel weird inside(more so than usual) etc. Well not this year! So far this month has been super rad in all facets of my life. Work has been great, flannery and I are really jiving and new clients keep rolling in. Personal life has also been pretty bitch'n. My relationships with friends and lovers are focusing on love, compassion, laughter and communication. What more could you ask for?! Creatively I feel yoga practice is at an all time high, i am planning(although still in my head) a dance show, i am taking dance as much as possible, i have been writing a lot and reading more. Do you ever go in reading cycles? there are times when i really enjoy sitting down with a book and getting lost. then there are periods where my mind just wonders and my eyes stair at the pages of letters, sentences, paragraphs... all i see are shapes.

side note: i cooking delicious crispy skinned salmon last night with a lemony kale & almond salad. dinner was yummy. the downside is now my fucking apartment smells like crispy skinned salmon. when i opened the door this morning upon returning from yoga i almost gagged from the overwhelming odor. what the fuck. i even had all the windows open and candles burning. anyways

i am eating raw oatmeal from one of my new favorite places, The Juice Press. I actually have begun making my own raw oatmeal and homemade cashew milk. Talk about a treat... i soak raw cashews(unsalted or roasted) over night in a 2 to 1 ratio of water. the next day i puree the nuts and the cashew water with agave, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. this makes a thick and luxurious nut milk. sometimes i add more water if i want it to be thinner, but for the oatmeal the thicker the better. then i take 1/4 cup of scottish raw oats, which look more like goat feed than the steel cut oats most of us are used to, and add 1 cup of the cashew milk. stir this and let is sit in a container over night so that the oats can absorb and expand. i mean to tell you, SO FUCKING GOOD!!! oatmeal is actually really great for your bones and your joints and by eating it raw you consume all the nutrients that nature intended you to have. On that note, i watched a documentary on Netflix about Vidal Sasoon. What an amazing man he is. Aside from his hair empire he is also extremely nutrition and health savvy. At over 80 years old he looks like a million bucks. I can't urge you enough to exercise and eat well, it is the main thing we should focus on as human beings and it makes me so sad that it gets pushed to the back burner more often than not. That was my rant and rave.

Alright, it is a beautiful warm fall day and I have to get dressed and go to the coffee shop. Today is Marc's first official day back, even though i was at the house this weekend making him cookies and stocking the pantry with all his favorites. I love you...

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