Tuesday, November 1, 2011

thank god it's over!!!

halloween can suck it for all i am concerned. Four fucking days of costumes, drunk people, parties, yelling, makeup, fake blood, more drinking, more costumes, pumpkins, candy, more drinking more screaming more more more.... now it's finally over. I can't even tell you what blur the past few days have been. Between work and play it has been a non stop roller coster of crapy weather, drinking like a fish, cooking like a servant, serving like a maid, and washing dishes like well, a dishwasher. Ok, all this might be a bit harsh because I had fun along the way, but jesus fucking christ halloween weekend '11 was a doosy. I also am having some serious back difficulties, so I am not really enjoying my physical situation. However, some lovely percacets from Shelley have been helping through the really rough times. Also, the peanut butter that I am eating by the spoonful is putting me in pretty good spirits as I type. Nothing like being a great chef with nothing in your fridge to cook and only wanting or needing something that requires a spoon and the strength to scoop and bring to one's mouth. I gotta tell ya it is hitting the spot right now. Admittedly I have become quite keen on almond, sunflower or cashew butter, but the original classic pb is doing the trick(no halloween pun intended).
Now that one holiday is past us we can all look forward to THANKSGIVING!!!

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