Saturday, March 17, 2012

saturday morning

i have been up for a while, resisting the urge to get stoned. i don't know why i am resisting? maybe i don't want to hear it from daniel. any ways, i am back to the MJ grind today/tonight. it's funny how you can get nervous about something you have done so many times. i think it stems from wanting to succeed, wanting to excel, wanting to do something new and exciting within the confines or limitations you're given. tonight i am going to try some new recipes with him. it could be a disaster but my hope is that it won't be and it will show him i am still trying to surprise and impress him. He request Filet Mignon, so I will be serving that(cooked to perfection) with a Baby Carrots & Dill over a white bean puree as well as sautéed cumin spinach with toasted coconut. He doesn't want ANY carbs so i have to keep the veggies interesting and flavorful. I am typing in bed right now and Daniel keeps tossing and turning. if he knocks my computer off my lap i am going to shove him. he has been having really bad headaches and stomach issues. it makes me a little nervous, but i also know he is a bit sensitive. I just don't like seeing him in pain. what looks like it is going to be a beautiful day today. I am going to a birthday picnic later and then to a site visit for an upcoming dinner party, all before shopping/cooking for dinner. i do love when i get to make something other than fucking chicken. especially since roasting a whole chicken takes time and leaves me standing around for a while. i have really started to fall in love with Pintrist and i have also started shooting little videos to start a Vlog. We had a meeting with a friend who works at a YouTube Network, Makr, who suggested we start doing more Vlogging to get a following. So, I am making a go of it. Hit the ground running and see what happens.
....Also, I think you should put together a collective. I think it is time for you to be a leader again and get people to rally around art and productivity. It got me thinking when you were mentioning all your friends(people your age) in cali who are paralyzed by the current economic situation. Get those people together, start making art about it, put it up, get it out there. If you scream loud enough.... people have to listen. You should create a "Meet Up" Group in Orange County for people who feel paralyzed by there current situation. Make it a meeting of the minds. You and Walter are not alone...bring the spark back into your creative geniuses. You are a great leader dad, others will follow you so go out and wake them up.
i love you.

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