Thursday, December 8, 2011


Thanks Love – I think I am going to try and cook this on Sunday. This lady's blog is pretty cool and her photography is really beautiful. Has a "Nigella" look to it: beautiful temperature and crisp light. Girl's got skills.

Friday Leslie is spending the night and we are going to have a brainstorming session on what she might like to migrate to as her life evolves. Could be fun. Saturday I get Yoda for the remainder of the weekend but I feel guilty because I going to be gone so much. I am taking Eileen to meet Cherry and we all going to a " Mussels" party at Tammy's loft (the tall, poser interior designer) in downtown. Before that Cherry is taking us to another party – birthday for a transsexual friend. Hope they don't sing Broadway tunes. All in all, it should be a real hoot as my two precious ladies mix it up and invariably beat up on me.

Now that I say all that I wonder if the Sofrito has a chance in hell of getting made? Love You, Dad

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sofrito anyone?

after you told me that you liked the flavors of the mussels, I saw this and thought it would be a perfect dish for you to make. I love you daddy and miss you so much.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

adjusting to reality...i hate it

I have been back in NY for three days now and let me tell you it has been a rough adjustment. It always is, but this time has left me feeling more melancholy than usual. Overwhelmed by the questionable fact of when I will see you and mom again. Saddened by the reality that it is never enough time. My visits are never enough. We never get to do everything. Sometimes it is nice to just do nothing, just have daily life, just hang. But ultimately, it makes me feel a little bummed that we don't get to share more with each other. I mean this in the sense, that I long to just call you up on any given day and meet for lunch. Shoot you a text and say hi, come meet me for a drink. Send you an e-mail showing you something cool that we can do together. It becomes more and more difficult the older i get to come to terms with the realization that we may never get to share day to day life together. so that's why I think you should move to New York.
On a not much lighter note, Marisa and I had MOVES tonight. The three people that showed up did a great job, but it left us feeling so defeated and lame. Honestly, it wasn't my favorite combination any ways, but fuck!!! How do you get people to get into your stuff? How do you get a tribe going? How do you make people follow you? I have no god damn idea. Tonight did, however, leave me with a decision. I have always wanted to put on a burlesque type dance show. So I am going to start choreographing. Sexy. Smart. Stylish... stay tuned.
My mind is all over the place and I am finding it difficult to type and focus. I am going to eat my cottage cheese and then jump out my window. just kidding. well, at least about the window part.
i love you daddy

Wish you were here

It has a been a few days since you left for NYC. This leaves things here a bit quiet to say the least. It is indeed a pleasure to to wake and know you are in the other room: to see your "stuff" on the kitchen table and to smell a faint cooking fragrance left over from the previous days culinary treat. Now I get up and foolishly start down the hall to see if you are still there, enter the kitchen and glance to see an empty table or notice the "steed" parked in the street and yield to the fact that it will sit idle today. And then there are the activities that I wanted to do with you but never got the chance – pick up a few new computer skills, make some art together, learn from you, and share what I know so that you could learn from me.

As we both hit on in a conversation, it is all about how we choose to spend our time. But I find it is also about having the time to think of what we want to choose to spend our time on. Alas, I always remember so many things I wanted to do with you after you are gone. Basic survival and negotiations with others gets the better of me so I better start writing those things down. Love you so, Dad