Wednesday, February 16, 2011

boom goes the dynamite

that's a movie quote that Daniel always says. I woke up saying it to myself. he had left already early this morning. he was asked to give a presentation at some sort of corporate meeting for MJ. he was really nervous, he didn't say he was, but i could tell. we were supposed to hang out last night. he specifically asked for me to come home and hang out. i did. he worked all night. i watched a very strange Greek foreign film called Dogtooth. it put me in an even stranger mood. i was sad that we didn't hang out and by hang out i mean talk, catch up on the past week of each other's lives, snuggle, laugh, whatever. we were both in the same space. our tiny apartment that offers no escape. no "me time." so from the outside it could look like we were spending time together. but from the inside it was clear we were not. i wasn't upset because i understand, but it was one of those moments were i found myself very quietly crying in the bathroom. just for a second to get out whatever emotion i was feeling and couldn't escape. i have become really good over the years at quiet crying and it isn't something i am necessarily proud of, but i realize it is a survival tactic. don't get me wrong, last night was not a bad night, just a normal night. i was meant to go to a friend's party. i wasn't really in the mood, in fact i was in a sad/bad mood after spending some time with Mia. i didn't really feel like being around anyone, especially myself. i don't think i would have gone to the party any ways, but the fact that i didn't because daniel asked me to spend time with him and then i just ended up spending time with myself... well, that made me mad. oh life.

on a happier note, marisa and I held our first "MOVES" class as i am sure you noticed if you have been on facebook in the past few days. it was a success and people are already requesting more. i must say, it was really great to choreograph and dance around with not expectations, only the need to move and be free! on an even happier note, I spoke with Valerie Levine(Quinn's Mom) and she said you can definitely stay at her place while she is in Africa. Her friend, Lisa, is staying there at the end of this month so March (and I think April) are free. You should check out some flights and come and visit me. It's been way too long and I want you to see all the things I see on a daily basis. I don't really have anything else to say. oh wait, I LOVE YOU BIGGER THAN THE UNIVERSE!!

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