Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the house I built

The House I built.
i had so much to say just moments ago. I was filled with so much emotion and so many words. i needed to translate to you all these specific instances to make you understand how i am feeling at this specific moment. through out this specific day.

then i typed the words i had been thinking.

"the house "i" built."

today i realized.
i didn't built anything by myself.
i was merely apart of the framework.
it is just, sometimes, it's hard when someone else doesn't step back...and realize we are all in it together.
it is just those moments when the other person oversteps their boundaries.
it is just the second when you think you see them and realize it is just a stranger + your imagination.
it is just that song that reminds you of that one night.
it is just that smell that is like their skin, and their skin alone, on that one day in that one month of that one moment in time that i will NEVER forget.
it is just them.
it is just you.
it is just not meant to be
or meant to be for later
or meant to be for someone else
or ...
the point is.
i can't eat.
i can't sleep.
when i do it is joyless
when i do it is brief.
i am lost
and yet
i know in my heart of hearts
this is the right thing.
but my heart of hearts is also crying.
it's tough.
but this is just for now.

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