Thursday, December 8, 2011


Thanks Love – I think I am going to try and cook this on Sunday. This lady's blog is pretty cool and her photography is really beautiful. Has a "Nigella" look to it: beautiful temperature and crisp light. Girl's got skills.

Friday Leslie is spending the night and we are going to have a brainstorming session on what she might like to migrate to as her life evolves. Could be fun. Saturday I get Yoda for the remainder of the weekend but I feel guilty because I going to be gone so much. I am taking Eileen to meet Cherry and we all going to a " Mussels" party at Tammy's loft (the tall, poser interior designer) in downtown. Before that Cherry is taking us to another party – birthday for a transsexual friend. Hope they don't sing Broadway tunes. All in all, it should be a real hoot as my two precious ladies mix it up and invariably beat up on me.

Now that I say all that I wonder if the Sofrito has a chance in hell of getting made? Love You, Dad

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