Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wish you were here

It has a been a few days since you left for NYC. This leaves things here a bit quiet to say the least. It is indeed a pleasure to to wake and know you are in the other room: to see your "stuff" on the kitchen table and to smell a faint cooking fragrance left over from the previous days culinary treat. Now I get up and foolishly start down the hall to see if you are still there, enter the kitchen and glance to see an empty table or notice the "steed" parked in the street and yield to the fact that it will sit idle today. And then there are the activities that I wanted to do with you but never got the chance – pick up a few new computer skills, make some art together, learn from you, and share what I know so that you could learn from me.

As we both hit on in a conversation, it is all about how we choose to spend our time. But I find it is also about having the time to think of what we want to choose to spend our time on. Alas, I always remember so many things I wanted to do with you after you are gone. Basic survival and negotiations with others gets the better of me so I better start writing those things down. Love you so, Dad

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