Monday, April 11, 2011


When I opened my curtains today and barely saw the building across the street it reminded me of California. I have such vivid memories of getting dressed in the morning, eating breakfast at the kitchen island, getting in my car and driving to the coast for school. As I approached my destination by the sea the fog would build and build until all you could see were the street lights and the bumper of the car in front of you. With music blasting and all my friends that I car pooled (for free!) chatting and discussing the day ahead, I would roll the window down just an inch or two to take a deep breath in of the outside air. Those foggy mornings with dewy moisture that fill you lungs and coat them with a sheet of sweetness. The salt from the ocean mixed with the sunshine that was trying so desperately to break through. To this day I can still taste and smell Southern California fog on my tongue. To my dismay, when I opened my apartment window longing for that same sensation, all I was met with was a taste of city. Pavement, car exhaust, trash, bums... they are not the same as ocean, sand, flowers, sun.

Beggars can't be choosers, but on a morning like this I wish I was in your oversize BJ's sweatshirt sleepy eyed sipping a big mug of coffee while sitting in a mist covered adirondack chair staring into the ripples of the pool. I would be able to hear you blowing your nose and fussing around in the kitchen. Humming birds would be wizzing in and out of the backyard attaining tiny gulps of sugar water with each visit. There would only be the sound of a train in the distance and perhaps a few cars on their morning commute. You would come and sit next to me and we would laugh about something. Then we would laugh some more. Then, when you didn't even know I was looking at you, I would examine all the fine features in your face and they way your hands move when you talk and how you pause just before you are about to tell me something you think is important and that I should listen to. With attentive ears and a childlike sense of wonder I would listen to everything that came out of your mouth, with each word loving you more and more. That is the morning I am imagining for myself right now. Thank you fog for taking me on a journey to have coffee with my daddy!

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