Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Splendid Library / Chapter One

I have had a peculiar consciousness of late that when I am alone I am actually not alone at all. Rather, I am with me. We – me and myself – seem to look at things as a a pair and not simply from a singular point of view. I know it sounds as though I may be saddled with some kind of multiple personality disorder or that I am host to "voices" and such. But whenever I hear tales of people being haunted by voices the notion carries with it that the "voice" contribute contrarian opinions, inevitably get in the way, sabotage actions and make one a bit insane.

Me and myself, on the other hand, get along quite nicely and generally provide a helpful point of view. I have come to trust myself and me. We seem to acknowledge our shared dips and do what we can to self-correct and keep on a healthy path. We also are pretty good company for each other and we seem to amuse the other to no end. Sounds like a love affair.

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