Monday, December 13, 2010

Alone Time

There is really something to be said for having alone time.
Just me and my thoughts.
Avoiding the phone.
The email.
The computer...for the most part.
I worked this morning and when work was done I made a decision to invest in me.
I came home.
Opened a beer.
Made myself a delicious lunch:
Arugula Salad with CousCous, Scrambled Egg, Roasted Butternut Squash,Cucumbers and a Sriracha Sesame Oil Dressing.
Then for a dessert I had bananas with Sunflower Butter. You have to try that shit, it will blow your mind!!!
Then I watched "into the wild," which if you haven't seen it I suggest doing so. It was beautiful.
Then I gave myself a home facial and used a Japanese Face mask that my friend James brought back for me on one of his visits.
I just read through all my favorite blogs.
Now I am in my apartment doing nothing (but this of course)
It is really quiet. That is aside from the cars and noise outside paired with the constant drip of our sink, but I like the latter of the two.
I am now trying to decide what I want to do next.
Perhaps some reading?
Maybe a bowl of cereal?
Maybe I will drawl for a while.
Maybe I wont because it might stress me out or force myself to be more perfect than I really want to be right now.
I think I will have a smoke.
Then I will let the high tell me what to do.
Out of all of those I have a feel the bowl of cereal is going to win first place.
I am noticing now that my face feels very tight and moisturized from my treatments. God damn I love that shit.
I shaved my legs yesterday for the first time in maybe two weeks. That also made me feel really good.
Last night we all went out for Quinn's 25th birthday. I got drunk. It was fun.
I love you daddy.

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