Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tis The Season

The last few days has been active. I picked up a new client on Thursday which I may have mentioned and the guy is a terrific person. Have not started the project yet but it comes at a very good time.

Saw Nanny on Wednesday and she was doing fine. Talked to her last night as she was preparing to go out to a party. She was sipping Scotch while trying to put on her makeup. Kept threatening that she was going to score at the party (TMI Hope). God she was cheery! She finished just about every sentence I started and was so proud that she knew in advance what I was about to say. After ending each of my sentences she would laugh hysterically. Truth is, nothing she said was even close to what was on my mind. And of course when I told her that she said I was wrong. You can imagine how it all went down.

I spent last night exchanging emails with Nancy and, after about five real brain breakers, I think we can both move on, stow the relationship somewhere in the memory. Honestly, it was more me than her but I just had to get some things off my chest. After all, it had been 30 years since the last time I feel in love. Amazing how much stuff can back up even after just a 20 month tryst.

Right now I am waiting for Marsha and we are going to see The Tourist then grab something to eat. I am looking forward to spending some time with one of the few people with whom I really connect. Tonight we promised each other we would discuss creating a new "tradition" that we can do togteher each year at Christmas time. The holiday is tough on both of us and it would be nice to come up with something that makes us feel special. She is an angel.

And you are an angel too – I love Lauren, Dad

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