Thursday, May 12, 2011

Congratulations Chef Lauren!

Dearest Lauren,
Your lineage on my family's side, the sum total of people and their individual identities, has been diverse and varied. It includes a high-ranking electrical engineer in the Canadian government, a butcher in liverpool, an airline executive, some real estate practitioners, a Christian missionary in India and a few Christian family counselors in Georgia, a bus driver, a carpenter: the list goes on. And I am a designer and occasional artist. In your case, I would call it a creative ( a quadruple threat).

As you were growing up I thought you might be a singer, may be a dancer, or an actress, and then perhaps a painter or another designer – you were meant to do good things and there was never a question that you would not achieve your goals. The goal you have set for this moment in your life, to be not just a chef, but a chef that can bring delight and joy is becoming a reality and I am indeed amazed by the passion and talent you display. Congratulations – meal well done! Love Dad

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