Sunday, May 29, 2011


It has been said that by the age of four, we are all artists. And by the time we are seven, we are poets. The notion goes that, as long as society doesn’t bake out the creativity in us all, there simply are no limits to what we can do. Our art becomes the bold ways we choose to live and brighten the lives of others.
In this light, it must be said that, the individuals and families who battle cystic fibrosis on a daily basis are truly prodigies – their art is the brave engagement with the
disease, the remarkable ways they imagine the possibilities in spite of it and their unfailing hope that they too can enjoy the best that life has to offer.
Chronicled here again tonight, these spirited people kindly share with us a corner of the canvas of their lives. Once again we are moved by their generosity and deeply inspired by the breadth of their heart. DG

From The 28th CF Gala Book

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