Friday, November 19, 2010

cold weather work day

Jesus. yesterday was a long one, an extremely fun one, but a long one! Our brief lunch at the Vietnamese Pho Restauratn, Nha Trang, was delicious and warming. Mia arrived completely hung over and upon reaching our table immediately put her bags down and moved towards the bathroom simply stating in a dead pan manner, "I have to throw up." Minutes later she returned and in her absence Flannery and I broke into laughter thinking about her state in the figure drawing class to come. I was admittedly a little worried to take her since I was unsure as to whether or not she would projectile vomit all over the little person. But we slurped down our soup and rushed off to Spring Street studios. When we arrive to the cavernous underground room of ancient isles and drawing boards we were informed by the over 70 crowd that our model wasn't there yet. While Mia was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on I volunteered to sit for a portrait while the class waited. This proved to be beneficial for me because I didn't have to pay for the class due to my assistance. Three and a half hours later we had pages of 20 minute drawings and a more detailed 45 min(x3) long pose. She loved every minute, as did I!!! Then we headed off to have a cocktail in the lounge of the Bowery Hotel, a frequent retreat for us when we are together. Manhattans, Hot Toddys, and Gin on the rocks down. It was time to eat again so we hopped on our bikes, just in time to miss the super trendy super stuck up super fucking annoying people that were herding into the lobby. Bellies full of mouth watering sashimi our day of due adventure had ended and we realized we had to go to our next destination. Drop Off Service(formerly a laundry mat) was filled with familiar glowing faces all there to celebrate Weston and Mia's birthday. The local beers were flowing, laughter was echoing through the dark wood planked room, and our birthday friends were happy. 1 am rolled around real quick and upon glancing at our watches a group of us said our good byes and headed home.
Today it is fucking freezing and I am not looking forward to going outside. flannery and I are doing an 8 person 5 course birthday dinner party this evening so we will be running around town to pick up ingredients for our feast. It is a beautiful menu(see below) and it promises to be a lovely evening cooking for strangers.
love you.

Butternut Squash Soup Shot / Orange & Sage Foam

Foie Gras Bruleé / Cranberry Gelèe / Grilled Bread

Sweet Berkshire Pork Sausage / Butter Brussel Sprouts / Red Pepper Flakes / Orecchiette

Seared Steak / Confit Tomato & Garlic Sauce / Micro Green Salad

Maple Custard / Cracked Pepper Whip Cream / Shortbread Cookie

White Bordeaux / Kerner / Soave

Montepulciano / Rioja / Pino Noir

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