Monday, November 29, 2010

Sad, no. Worried, absolutely!

I am sorry if my posts seem sad. I am not particularly sad except for the case of Nancy. I fell very hard for her, miss her and miss the affection. Plus, it is always a shock when your partner doesn't share any remorse over a breakup. But I have unfriended her on Facebook so she is free to pursue her hobby (hard to believe anyone would have Facebook as a hobby) and she can court her suitors without me knowing. She uses this sort of "poor me / wounded dove" technique to fish for compliments and the boys come out of the woodwork to express their interest. Then when she is actually on a date, there would be no Facebook posts because she was busy. No Facebook posts for a couple of days meant she was on a sleep over – Drove me nuts.

Everything else falls under the contemplative / scared shitless category. The holidays contributes greatly to the contemplative area; the absence of family, you and friends. The economy contributes to the scared shitless aspect; not enough work, slow pay, people wanting my skills but not wanting to pay (lots of proposals but not enough conversion). And no money to move along with Artstuph. Fuck.

Otherwise, all is just ducky!

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