Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday in the rain

Hi love – Your event Friday night sounds like a real success and interesting to boot. I had a Saturday morning meeting with the Stratos Form people to show them final camera-ready art before it all goes to print; letterhead, B-cards, Christmas Card and a 24 page print-on demand-portfolio. Had a few corrections which I made this morning and dropped in their mail box (So convenient). Everything turned out really nice and I will post some of the examples at a later date. The most rewarding part was that they took one look at the copy I wrote that announces their new branding program and they loved it with not a a single change. I'm a pretty good writer it seems.

I got up early, around 4:30 today and cleaned up the house for a couple of hours. Now it is all organized and I am off to have breakfast with Marsha at Watson's. (World's worst food). After Watson's I off to Art Supply Warehouse to select some mediums for canvas finishing. I'm going through a ton of paint so I had better sell some of this shit quick. Later I am sending off the Stratos Form website to Stuart and then will probably go to bed early. That's what five-niners do. Love you and miss you. But I feel like the blog is at least keeping us in touch. XOXO Deaner

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