Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 17,2010 1:08pm


This is the first of many. We are embarking on a new project, one were we will connect through our day to day. A challenge to us both to describe the little things. Share. Teach. Inspire.

Currently I am listening to Radiohead "Paranoid Android"on radio, oh shit, it just changed to Massive Attack "Future Proof." I love using this site when I am working on the compute because I can just plug in a band or style of music that I am in the mood to listen to and then it plays a stream of music with similar artists based on my selection. It is a kick ass way to hear new music or old music that I forgot I like. I have been working on the computer for the past two hours writing work e-mails, looking for dance studio spaces to rent for the dance class Marisa and I are putting together called "MOVES," and trying the figure out when the fuck my prints from Adorama are going to be ready! I was hoping to have them by tomorrow as they are gifts for friends, but of course I have to wait until early next week. It is my own fault for waiting until the last minute, but who could blame me in this day and age of getting everything quick and immediate I just figured my request would be fulfilled exactly to my liking. It really sucks when I don't get my way.
Today is Daniel's 30th birthday. We are going to dinner at ABC Kitchen inside of Union Square's ABC Home & Carpet. I have been once before with Julia and it was so wonderful. Daniel has never been and I know he is going to love it. I also got him a "Mountain Medley Thumbpiano" for his desk at work. I love the way it sounds and I thought it would be something nice for him to have that would enable him to create music in his work environment. Not to mention it looks cool as shit and it smells like cedar, but in actuality "...the resonator a selected hard shell gourd or coconut." Well it smells like cedar to me which oddly enough reminds me of those little chips Mom used to but in our drawers and winter clothes to keep moths away, apparently it is a moth repellent. Thank god for that too because I hate the way moth balls smell!

I also just finished having a series of back and forth emails with this woman Minerva who runs Spring Street Studio, an open class figuring drawing studio in the heart of Soho. I thought it would be fun to take Mia for her birthday and we could do something creative together. We are going to go to the 1-4:30 session in which we will get to do a series of short and long pose drawings. The last email I received from Minerva she told me tomorrow is going to be a particularly special class because the model is Sean who is an actor and a "little person." I mean really!!!! How amazing is this going to be. I can guarantee she will never forget it. I am not sure what we will do afterwards, but who cares.

So where is my day going from here? I am now going to do some design work and then I am going to write some boring work emails and then I am going to go over to my friends Weston and Sven's apartment. They are two lovely men who came with us to Cape Cod for oyster fest. I first met Weston because he is a barista at 9th St.Espresso who happens to share the same birthday with Mia (tomorrow, Nov.18th). He lives with Sven who is his best friend and at one point they were boyfriends, but now they are just friends. Weston really reminds me of you which I think I have mentioned to you before. I tell him all the time and he never gets tired of hearing it. He can't wait to meet you.
Ok daddy, I am going to sign off because this first blog has become a bit long winded. I look forward to your first entry and hearing all about your electrical work and photo shoot.
love you so.

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