Monday, November 29, 2010

monday morning.

Fighting anxiety and stress, I am trying to take deep breaths, write lists,calm myself, but nothing seems to be working. My fingers are shaking a bit and my stomach is in a fucking knot. I am sure this has to do with many things, but mainly work at this very moment. Fears of not being good enough or doing things correctly. Fuck, just writing this is making me stressed. The good news is, this entire week is dedicated to work with limited amounts of play. The other good news is that this means I will be coming home and staying home each and every night. I would love to chat with you this week, so I will give you a ring, most likely tonight.
I love what you wrote about Nanny. You should share it with her, I am sure that would light up her little heart! I know you are going through a really sad time right now and I know the holidays make it even worse. But I love you and I am here for you, in an way I can be. All my kisses and hugs.

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