Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It seems as though I am sleeping for long periods of time, but my quality of sleep is 10%. It is too cold to be motivated. Work is exhausting, repetitive, and somewhat gratifying. Family is far away. Friends are leaving or planning for their holiday. I am in a daze.
My body is aching. My eyes sleepy. My mind constantly wandering.
Winter. It has finally set in. Fully.
I am looking forward to my very first Christmas. I say this because it will be the first time I am not with my family or with Daniel's. Instead with the family of friends I have built in New York. I am really looking forward to it and the thought of how it will be has become all consuming. Christmas morning will be spent with Flannery, Weston, & Sven. Daniel might be there, but that is only if he decides not to go to New Jersey for the Eve. We will be having Egg Nog, a tradition that I always relate to OUR family. I will be wearing your black robe. I will also be making Cranberry Tangerine Oat Crumb Muffins. Flannery is bringing Venison & Pork Sausage laced with Gin & Scotch. She purchased it from our beloved butchers and they said it is a holiday specialty. Weston will be making Coffee and Sven is in charge of getting us all stoned out of our minds. My tree will be the focal point adorned with its white lights, black and sage matte glass ornaments, ostrich and leopard feathers, topped with a wire sculpture of a rat that Flan made me last year. The scent of pine and radiator will fill the space and then be taken over by spices and butter. We will all sit around laughing and hugging and sharing our memories of growing up and talking about our families that are near and far.
I will be thinking about you and Mommy the entire time. My heart will be heavy, but loving. My eyes will undoubtedly well up with tears. My smile will at some point turn to a frown. I am anticipating this all as to not be too overwhelmed when it hits.
I am in a Holi-daze. Missing you and wishing we were together.
I love you Daddy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Friend Your Friend

I talked to Walter yesterday and he heard from His Doctor regarding the post op tests.

Happily, he is 100% Cancer Free!

He is so happy! Why don't you call him when you have a moment. Love Dad

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tis The Season

The last few days has been active. I picked up a new client on Thursday which I may have mentioned and the guy is a terrific person. Have not started the project yet but it comes at a very good time.

Saw Nanny on Wednesday and she was doing fine. Talked to her last night as she was preparing to go out to a party. She was sipping Scotch while trying to put on her makeup. Kept threatening that she was going to score at the party (TMI Hope). God she was cheery! She finished just about every sentence I started and was so proud that she knew in advance what I was about to say. After ending each of my sentences she would laugh hysterically. Truth is, nothing she said was even close to what was on my mind. And of course when I told her that she said I was wrong. You can imagine how it all went down.

I spent last night exchanging emails with Nancy and, after about five real brain breakers, I think we can both move on, stow the relationship somewhere in the memory. Honestly, it was more me than her but I just had to get some things off my chest. After all, it had been 30 years since the last time I feel in love. Amazing how much stuff can back up even after just a 20 month tryst.

Right now I am waiting for Marsha and we are going to see The Tourist then grab something to eat. I am looking forward to spending some time with one of the few people with whom I really connect. Tonight we promised each other we would discuss creating a new "tradition" that we can do togteher each year at Christmas time. The holiday is tough on both of us and it would be nice to come up with something that makes us feel special. She is an angel.

And you are an angel too – I love Lauren, Dad

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I didn't mean to alarm you about my health – just thought you should know.

I am feeling better this morning but I still made a call to the doctor's office and I am going tomorrow. So things are being taken care of. But the pre-existing condition thing is a real issue and I must get new insurance. My last application was denied because of a pre-existing condition: amputated finger!

Now to your post:

I think the radiator is ugly. (although the patina and the setting are very cool)

Save up for something that truly fits your environment: re-purposed radiators went out in the 70's and for good reason.

So I say, leave it where you found it and wait for someone to throw out some Eames or Phillip Stark.

I love you too – a million bags full. Or more!

If there is something I have that you think would go nice in your apartment let me know. I am simplifying soon.

taking my breath away.

i went to write this post to send you two photographs.
both of the same object from two different perspectives.

i went to look at the blog to see if you had written.
then my breath escaped me.
robbed right from my chest.
air replaced with a waterfall of tears.

i don't know what i would do if there was no response to this post.
i don't know what i would do if there was no you at the other end.
i don't know what i would do without you.

please see a doctor.
please take care of yourself.

Now for my post...
i love you.
i love you with everything inside my being.
i thought you might likes these images.
i also thought it would be cool with a great piece of glass on top.
a beautiful side table.

please be on the other end daddy.

This Just In!

While I was writing the last post I got a late night email from Debbie The Yoga Lady asking if I would like to meet her for a drink. I wrote back and told her I thought I might have a slight stomach issue and I had to pass. She wrote back and said that if my stomach issues are stress related that she could help. She said all I had to do was say the word and I would have my very own personal yoga teacher at my disposal.

My problems are solved.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Walter's surgery on Monday went well. He was back home on Tuesday, took a walk in the afternoon and today he was able to take a shower and eat some good food. We talked a little this morning but it turned into a bit of an altercation as he was prodding me to go to the doctor and his insistence got annoying. I asked him to stop mothering me and he became annoyed. I have been very ill since Sunday with a gastro-intestinal problem. Pretty bad cramping in my bladder and colon, a constant fever and loss of appetite. I hoped it was just the flu and was waiting it out to see if it got any better – it hasn't and I should go to the doctor as soon as possible. But I'm trying to get new health insurance and any new issue could be seen as a pre-existing condition and thwart my chances of getting insurance at all. It's a gamble I have to play out.

It was really bad Monday evening and I was pretty scared so I called you but there was no answer. I waited until I thought Nancy would be off work and called her but no answer. Sent her an email and suggested she call but nothing yet. Today I dropped off some prints I had made of Nanny and she gave me some kind of baking soda and vitamin C concoction and said it cleans out the colon. And it does which is why I'm up at 12:30 am unable to be to far from the bathroom. Now I have bad cramping in my bladder and colon, a constant fever, loss of appetite and the runs. I think this is my version of time alone right now. Deaner.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Alone Time

There is really something to be said for having alone time.
Just me and my thoughts.
Avoiding the phone.
The email.
The computer...for the most part.
I worked this morning and when work was done I made a decision to invest in me.
I came home.
Opened a beer.
Made myself a delicious lunch:
Arugula Salad with CousCous, Scrambled Egg, Roasted Butternut Squash,Cucumbers and a Sriracha Sesame Oil Dressing.
Then for a dessert I had bananas with Sunflower Butter. You have to try that shit, it will blow your mind!!!
Then I watched "into the wild," which if you haven't seen it I suggest doing so. It was beautiful.
Then I gave myself a home facial and used a Japanese Face mask that my friend James brought back for me on one of his visits.
I just read through all my favorite blogs.
Now I am in my apartment doing nothing (but this of course)
It is really quiet. That is aside from the cars and noise outside paired with the constant drip of our sink, but I like the latter of the two.
I am now trying to decide what I want to do next.
Perhaps some reading?
Maybe a bowl of cereal?
Maybe I will drawl for a while.
Maybe I wont because it might stress me out or force myself to be more perfect than I really want to be right now.
I think I will have a smoke.
Then I will let the high tell me what to do.
Out of all of those I have a feel the bowl of cereal is going to win first place.
I am noticing now that my face feels very tight and moisturized from my treatments. God damn I love that shit.
I shaved my legs yesterday for the first time in maybe two weeks. That also made me feel really good.
Last night we all went out for Quinn's 25th birthday. I got drunk. It was fun.
I love you daddy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


40 Lbs of Duck thighs and legs... 25 Lbs of Duck Fat. This is gonna be some serious duck confit.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Note on Fear and Anxiety

Cooler heads tend to prevail because they are not very cool at all - they are aflame with focus, thought and determination.

Fear is disorienting, and panic can scatterbrain you whether in a few seconds of natural disaster or a drawn-out week of personal strife. We are so much more than our animal instincts, yet that is what we are reduced to when we are put in a stressful situation, when we need our human potential most of all.

Those who rise to the occasion in a crisis make the active choice to not freak out. They keep the suggestion to snap out of it nestled in their heads and then heed it when it occurs to them.

The human mind is a loyal and effective companion once it is reigned in. Instead of feeling fear, it can be occupied with collecting information and using reason to deconstruct the fear. This really helps turn a paralyzing terror into an involving (but important) puzzle. One of your first experiences with this may have been fearing getting sucked down the bathtub drain until you figured out or were shown that things way bigger than it won't fit.

Next time something goes bump in the night, throw a pillow at it. Curiosity can be an effective substitute for courage.

Breathe deep and gather facts. DG

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I mean... REALLY!!!

I am about to shoot myself taking this online course... just to give you an example of some of the fine reading I am up to.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sad, no. Worried, absolutely!

I am sorry if my posts seem sad. I am not particularly sad except for the case of Nancy. I fell very hard for her, miss her and miss the affection. Plus, it is always a shock when your partner doesn't share any remorse over a breakup. But I have unfriended her on Facebook so she is free to pursue her hobby (hard to believe anyone would have Facebook as a hobby) and she can court her suitors without me knowing. She uses this sort of "poor me / wounded dove" technique to fish for compliments and the boys come out of the woodwork to express their interest. Then when she is actually on a date, there would be no Facebook posts because she was busy. No Facebook posts for a couple of days meant she was on a sleep over – Drove me nuts.

Everything else falls under the contemplative / scared shitless category. The holidays contributes greatly to the contemplative area; the absence of family, you and friends. The economy contributes to the scared shitless aspect; not enough work, slow pay, people wanting my skills but not wanting to pay (lots of proposals but not enough conversion). And no money to move along with Artstuph. Fuck.

Otherwise, all is just ducky!

monday morning.

Fighting anxiety and stress, I am trying to take deep breaths, write lists,calm myself, but nothing seems to be working. My fingers are shaking a bit and my stomach is in a fucking knot. I am sure this has to do with many things, but mainly work at this very moment. Fears of not being good enough or doing things correctly. Fuck, just writing this is making me stressed. The good news is, this entire week is dedicated to work with limited amounts of play. The other good news is that this means I will be coming home and staying home each and every night. I would love to chat with you this week, so I will give you a ring, most likely tonight.
I love what you wrote about Nanny. You should share it with her, I am sure that would light up her little heart! I know you are going through a really sad time right now and I know the holidays make it even worse. But I love you and I am here for you, in an way I can be. All my kisses and hugs.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's Sunday Night...

I am going to get drunk
I am going to get full.
I am off to indulge in delicious spirits,
and food.
I am celebrating endings and new beginnings.
I am celebrating both of these on so many fucking levels.

This has been one of those days that I really really really wish you were closer.

This is one of those nights were I recognize you in everything.
This is one of those nights that I feel you everywhere.
I am glad you are with me.

Listen to this: Nine Inch Nails, Album: With Teeth, Song: Right Where It Belongs

There is always Hope

I had dinner with mom last night; lamp chops cooked with garlic, peas, mashed potatoes and a giant mushroom sautéed in butter salt and pepper. It was simple and it was good. And nobody enjoys her food like Mom. I realized that, throughout my lifetime, I have shared more meals with mom than anyone else. That is a real pleasure that I will never trivialize of dismiss.

For me, the holiday season is not what it used to be. Years past, as everyone readied for the inevitable feast with family and friends holding court, as each of us scurried around in search of the perfect gift to assure loved ones we knew them well, or just navigating the crowded streets and shops, in the back of my mind I was always wondering when and where I could get off by myself for a moment of peace and quiet.

Now I have lots of peace and quiet, aloneness. And my true family takes up the first five numbers on my speed dial. Luckily, the first number on that short list is Hope – the woman who brought me into the world. She is worried these days; about the news, about the type of world she fears her grandchildren may inherit, about her own children and the trials they are facing, about the health and welfare of her aging close girlfriends. But, unlike any other person I know, she still has a remarkable sparkle in her eyes and an easy sense of humor that can soften the roughest of times. Her spirit is pure and true. Of all the people I have encountered during my life I have learned more from my mother – My Hope.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Family Once Removed

Thanksgiving was at the Urie beach house again this year. The setting, 100 feet above the beach, is spectacular. Ever since separating in 2003, this has become the substitute ritual for me. They have invited me into their family with such ease and open arms and I have come to know the different members of Walter's extended family as though they were mine. The food was mouth-watering and the amazing aroma conjured up deep memories of when I had my own family to celebrate with. It was not the same but a welcomed reminder of one of life's sweet treasures – raising a family.

Friday, November 26, 2010

day after thanksgiving

This morning began quietly. There were no trucks, no car alarms, no screaming crazy people, no shaking of the building, no hissing of the radiator, no slamming of neighbor's doors, no screeching of the shower's water as it rises in temperature, no nothing. Dressed in men's flannel pajama pants, a men's white v-neck t-shirt, a pair of purple men's socks and an old black zip up hoodie sweatshirt of mine(that I haven't worn in over four years)I walked outside into the morning air. Silence smacked me in the face. The wooden deck still damp for the nights dewy air I decided to perch at the top and enjoy my brief moment of solitude.
It was perfection.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what a difference a list makes....

I took your advice. Advice you gave me all through my childhood, into my college years, and now most importantly into my years of attempting to be an adult. I made some fucking lists and put it all down on paper!!! There is a lot on those lists, but I have already begun to check things off. What an amazing feeling.
You know what else is an amazing feeling? When Danielle Steele's personal assistant writes you an e-mail requesting you to put together a birthday dinner party for Ms.Steele's twin daughters living in NYC. that's right, you heard me correctly. When i read the email I was shocked, then I read it to Flan and she had no idea who Danielle Steele was. Luckily we were doing a cupping, a coffee tasting to create menu pairings for an upcoming collaboration we are doing with 9th St. Espresso, with Weston who is getting his masters in English. We exchanged glances and then proceeded to inform Flan about who our newest client is. Amazing.
Today will be filled with more list making. A site visit to a possible rent able kitchen in Long Island City, Queens. I found out about it through this unforgettable cookie I had, Peanut Butter Chocolate chunk...VEGAN! I wrote to the woman who owned the company,, to thank her for her hard work. Since then we have been corresponding and she mentioned she recently moved her company to a new big kitchen. Light bulb goes off...I ask her if we could rent a portion of it. Thus we are going to look at the space today. We are also trying to find someone (a bar or off site bar/catering company) that will let us use or collaborate with us on the Hendricks Gin job for their Liquor License. Long story, but the company Hendricks was working with lost their license this weekend. We don't have one, so we need to find one or someone to work with us or else they have to go with a big catering company that can provide both food and spirits. Ahhhh, hustle hustle hustle. I think I found a solution though, Amid. He owns The Summit Bar and was formerly the manager of The Mercer Kitchen and had a stint at some of Jean Georges other restaurants. He is a long time neighborhood friend and very professional... keep your fingers crossed it fucking works out.
Later this evening I will be going to dance class on the upper west side with Marisa. At least I hope that pans out, lord knows I need to dance some shit out. After that our friend Liza's band is playing at a place on the Bowery called The R bar. She is great and the venue is fun so I am sure the evening will be an experience.
Tomorrow I am baking a Pear Sage Cake for Lovely Day, then Mia is taking me on some sort of a surprise trip tomorrow from 12-5. I think it will be fun, but one never knows. Upon returning to the city I will then be off to New Jersey with Daniel for Thanksgiving. We are doing it at one of his cousins house in West Jersey. I have no idea where, but it will be crazy. Yeah huge family holiday!!!! That about sums it up... my wet hair is dripping down my back right now and I only have 15 minutes to get ready and get to a meeting at 9. But this was more important. Love you.
One last thing. I love the graphic piece you did in the previous post. Great!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Deep breaths. Arm yourself with preparation. Live in the moment. And always get out of the way of a tiny poodle dragging it's ass across the carpet with just its front legs. That about covers it, right?

anxiety alarm clock

it has begun. Anxiety is now kicking in for the holiday season! I awoke to a sickening feeling, the session of either having to throw up or shit, the fear and uncertainty of how the fuck I am going to get everything done to the level that I envision it. Luckily I have Flannery to live through it all with. After this week our month of huge catering events begin, cross over parties both for 150 and up guests. Handling not only the food prep and set up, but also the service and environment decor. AHHHH, the more I think about all the shit we have to do the more I feel like I need to cry, scream, or hide in a dark dark corner where no one can find me. Once this passes I will be able to be very excited about all the cool shit we are doing, but until then I am pretty much a little stress ball. Welcome are the days of coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Maybe even throw in a Kambucha for some added energy. The inability to digest or even think about eating food myself starts now. At least I wont be getting fat this winter, instead I am jumping on the ban wagon of stress anorexics.
I just realized this blog is a bit of a downer. I didn't mean for it to be, but I guess this will have to be apart of the process as well. It is cloudy and kinda chilly here today and I have hours or meetings, organizing, and panicking to look forward to.
I love you...send me some positive calming vibes if you get a chance.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

sunday...lazy day...jam packed with creativity

it's 12:02 and i am still in my bathrobe,actually your bathrobe,having just showered and taking my sweet as time getting ready. Yesterday was filled with work, some play, and then some real work play. Last night we went back to Kevin and David's, where we were at the other night when we were hanging out with Cleve and Rick from Courage Campaign, to celebrate Jack's birthday. Twitter Jack. It was certainly an interesting crowd, fun and certainly interesting. Sean Parker was in attendance. You know, the guy who started Napster and then was apart of the Facebook evolution. Justin Timberlake played him in The Social Network. Any ways, there were a lot of folks like that so you can imagine. We had a great time and loved getting dressed up, but we called it a night before the group moved to the first(yes the first)of many clubs they would be showing face at throughout the night's hours.
Today I am going to brunch with Daniel after stopping at the coffee shop to say hi to my neighbors and friends. After that I am going to to to Adorama to pick up some photos of mine that I had developed. Then I am going to do some creative birthday wrapping and art time. Then some choreography time. Then drop off all birthday presents with their new owners. Then drinks with Julia at 5, should be controversial, but I am going to be there for her to listen and love. Then I am meeting Marisa to choreograph for our dance class.then I will probably be tired and go to be...Tomorrow is a long day with lots of fucking shit to organize and get started on!
love you.

...mia and briana apparently hung out last night in NYC. isn't life funny.

Sunday in the rain

Hi love – Your event Friday night sounds like a real success and interesting to boot. I had a Saturday morning meeting with the Stratos Form people to show them final camera-ready art before it all goes to print; letterhead, B-cards, Christmas Card and a 24 page print-on demand-portfolio. Had a few corrections which I made this morning and dropped in their mail box (So convenient). Everything turned out really nice and I will post some of the examples at a later date. The most rewarding part was that they took one look at the copy I wrote that announces their new branding program and they loved it with not a a single change. I'm a pretty good writer it seems.

I got up early, around 4:30 today and cleaned up the house for a couple of hours. Now it is all organized and I am off to have breakfast with Marsha at Watson's. (World's worst food). After Watson's I off to Art Supply Warehouse to select some mediums for canvas finishing. I'm going through a ton of paint so I had better sell some of this shit quick. Later I am sending off the Stratos Form website to Stuart and then will probably go to bed early. That's what five-niners do. Love you and miss you. But I feel like the blog is at least keeping us in touch. XOXO Deaner

Saturday, November 20, 2010


good morning daddy.
first off, my right leg really hurts today. Fuck, sometimes I think about if a magic fairy granted me one wish what would it be...definitely, without a doubt, no question in my mind that I would say to take the pain away from my hip and back.
Ok, now that I got that out of the way, it's Saturday. I am baking a Pear Lemon Zest Cake with Sage Syrup for a restaurant in Nolita called Lovely Day. Flannery and I met for coffee at 10am, then we had a meeting with a possible intern, Kevin O'Connor. He was tall. He was also very calm, well dressed, seemingly intelligent, and best of all...HE WAS ON TIME!!! I mean exactly on time. The buzzer rang at 11am on the dot. In my book he scored a lot of points at that moment. We will see what he thinks and if he wants to come and work for us to manage our web presence as well as be a prep chef in the kitchen. His background both in school and his other externships is pastry so I feel like him and I are on the same anal / exacting wave length. After Thanksgiving he is gonna give us a ring to discuss coming in for a trail. Lord knows we need the help right now with all the huge parties we are doing for the holiday!!! fuck. I just got a little stressed. Now I am anxious. Ok. It passed.
Right now I am listening to this band "Future Islands." Daniel introduced them to me and at the dinner party we did last night the hostess had them on her play list. The song playing is "Little Dreamer." it's a good one. The lead singers voice is pretty magical.
So last night's dinner party... wow. Sometimes I really love what we do when we have an opportunity to cook for a fantastic and interesting group of people. Last night was one of those nights. The setting was a hip, modern yet comfortable one bedroom apt in the Financial District. The building was relatively new, a lot of floors, a lot of douche people(this did not include the people we worked for). Champagne was flowing. The music selections were perfect pairings with the food (both husband and wife work in the music industry). Bottom line, we were able to hang out and cook for these very appreciative folks. They were all very knowledgeable about the food world and it was evident they were all "foodies," I mean that in a good way. We were back in the kitchen unloading by 12. Completely exhausted and hungry from not eating all day, you forget that just tasting things during a 13 hour work day doesn't really cut it sometimes. We both made ourselves different bowls of soup based on what was stocked/left over from previous jobs. Flannery had a cauliflower soup with micro micro watercress, toasted pine nuts, olive oil drizzle, cracked black pepper. I, on the other hand, had roasted butternut squash soup with micro arugula, sriracha(asian hot sauce) and a couple bites with peanut butter which was mind blowing! My bowl of soup is at the top.
So where does my day go from here? Well, the cake is cooling, but once that is ready I will deliver it downtown and then I think I am gonna meet up with Mia. We will probably hang for a while. Later I am gonna hang out with Flan, Quinn, and Brit. They are coming over to hang left over fois gras mousse terrine with bruleed top and cranberry gelee. Similar application as the one we had at Jean Georges when you and Marsha were here. After wine and liver we will be heading to a gallery opening of a dear friend and soon to be boss of Quinn's. The show is all oil portraits in a very animated colorful style. Kinda of oil versions of my watercolors, just to give you an idea. After that I am going to meet up with Daniel to go over to Kevin and David's apartment for Jack's birthday. Damn, that sounds like a jam packed day when I write it all down. I love you and miss you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

cold weather work day

Jesus. yesterday was a long one, an extremely fun one, but a long one! Our brief lunch at the Vietnamese Pho Restauratn, Nha Trang, was delicious and warming. Mia arrived completely hung over and upon reaching our table immediately put her bags down and moved towards the bathroom simply stating in a dead pan manner, "I have to throw up." Minutes later she returned and in her absence Flannery and I broke into laughter thinking about her state in the figure drawing class to come. I was admittedly a little worried to take her since I was unsure as to whether or not she would projectile vomit all over the little person. But we slurped down our soup and rushed off to Spring Street studios. When we arrive to the cavernous underground room of ancient isles and drawing boards we were informed by the over 70 crowd that our model wasn't there yet. While Mia was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on I volunteered to sit for a portrait while the class waited. This proved to be beneficial for me because I didn't have to pay for the class due to my assistance. Three and a half hours later we had pages of 20 minute drawings and a more detailed 45 min(x3) long pose. She loved every minute, as did I!!! Then we headed off to have a cocktail in the lounge of the Bowery Hotel, a frequent retreat for us when we are together. Manhattans, Hot Toddys, and Gin on the rocks down. It was time to eat again so we hopped on our bikes, just in time to miss the super trendy super stuck up super fucking annoying people that were herding into the lobby. Bellies full of mouth watering sashimi our day of due adventure had ended and we realized we had to go to our next destination. Drop Off Service(formerly a laundry mat) was filled with familiar glowing faces all there to celebrate Weston and Mia's birthday. The local beers were flowing, laughter was echoing through the dark wood planked room, and our birthday friends were happy. 1 am rolled around real quick and upon glancing at our watches a group of us said our good byes and headed home.
Today it is fucking freezing and I am not looking forward to going outside. flannery and I are doing an 8 person 5 course birthday dinner party this evening so we will be running around town to pick up ingredients for our feast. It is a beautiful menu(see below) and it promises to be a lovely evening cooking for strangers.
love you.

Butternut Squash Soup Shot / Orange & Sage Foam

Foie Gras Bruleé / Cranberry Gelèe / Grilled Bread

Sweet Berkshire Pork Sausage / Butter Brussel Sprouts / Red Pepper Flakes / Orecchiette

Seared Steak / Confit Tomato & Garlic Sauce / Micro Green Salad

Maple Custard / Cracked Pepper Whip Cream / Shortbread Cookie

White Bordeaux / Kerner / Soave

Montepulciano / Rioja / Pino Noir

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Cupid Thing Sounds Great

Hi love,
Ask your buddy if his new friend with the nighty ever travels to California – be nice to help a brother out, right? Moving on. I was up early today just taking care of crap; administrivia to the nth degree. Finished up around 9:30 and sat down to work on the StratosForm Website. I'm putting all the criteria together to send off to Stuart so that he doesn't get bored over the holidays. Then did some new business stuff to see if I can line up some more work. As always, hope something comes of all the effort.

This afternoon I met Bob Guzman for a casual lunch and he filled me in on all his adventures. The actual lunch was hilarious.

As long as I have known Bob, he asks for extra napkins almost immediately upon sitting down. This lunch was no exception. Like clock work he asked the server for extra napkins and, quick like a bunny, she was back with a stack in no time. (It's one of those things like John Conroy senior – he would complain that his soup was cold even if it was steaming up his glasses.) The server said she would give us a moment and Bob and I began to bring each other up to speed.

He had a bad cough and kept needing to turn away to cough. Each time he did, I would grab a bunch of napkins and hide them in my lap under the table. He never noticed the pile getting smaller. Two coughs later, all the napkins were gone. A few minutes went by and Bob realized he was napkinless, waved over the server and asked her to please bring him the napkins he had requested. Puzzled but cheery, she did so with enthusiasm and dispatch and Bob was soon happy. He mumbled to me that she was a fucking idiot. He continued to cough and I, with stone face, continued to steal his napkins. Again, he noticed the napkinlessness. This time he was really perturbed, raised his voice and said, rather loudly, "Waitress! Napkins!" She finished talking to another customer and rushed over to our table looking very sheepish. Bob laid into her about how the restaurant seemed to have a shortage of napkins – please bring some:NOW. (Customer is always right, right?)

Off she went dutifully returning soon after with the biggest pile of napkins you have ever seen. Stretching out the two words so that they would drip with facetiousness, Bob said "Thank. You." She said no problem and I knew my moment was upon us. I asked if I could get a warm up on my coffee and then pulled out the 3 inch high stack of "missing" napkins from my lap and said, "And could you bring me some new napkins – these seem to have lost their fluff!" The server was close to tears. Bob said, "You fucker!", started to laugh, which quickly turned into an uncontrollable cough. Jesus, I thought he was going to stroke out. Needless to say, napkins abound for the rest of the lunch.
Love you, Dad


Good morning deaner.
It's 11:37am and I feel like I have already had a full day. Up early this morning with a full stomach from an amazing dinner I shared with DP last night. Then I was off to the Coffee shop to meet up with Flannery and ultimately run into everyone I know in the neighborhood. I saw this guy Andrew, who is a casual coffee shop friend, think Zack Galafianakis. He is quite a character and retold an hysterical story to Flan and I about some chick he met online( who came over to his apt to apparently watch Dancer in the Dark, but when she showed up (when ALL of her showed up) all she wanted to to was have sex with him. He was certainly caught off guard when she said she was going to "slip into something more comfortable" and came out in a very revealing nighty. Any ways, he went on and on and we were practically wetting out pants. Then we ran into Weston and Sven, and shared our last few sips of cafe with the handsome duo. Flan and I just finished a shit ton of proposals and emails, now we are off to meet Mia for a lunch of hot noodle Pho and then I am taking Mia to the figure drawing class. I am really looking forward to the expression on her face when she processes that we are going to be sketching a "little person" for the next 3 1/2 hours!!! Fantastic.
love you.

New Work

Hi Love - Well let's see how this works for us. I think it is a great idea to have a mind dump between us and I look forward to it. ZThere are so many time in the day that I wish I could show you what I am doing, share an idea or just unload a bit. And this is it. In keeping with the notion that this should reflect our everyday goings on, my first upload is a piece I finished this weekend.

The original effort for this painting started back more than a year and a half back. I was excited and blocked out the painting quickly. Primed and ready to go, I started taping to do the hardline method but, after a few days, I went cold on it. Lady friend was taking up my time and I figured I would return with some vigor in a week or two. But weeks turned into months and other work got my attention. Then last week I uncovered the canvas. The tape had hardened on to the canvas and, after hours of scraping it, there was still a residue of glue. What the fuck – never waste a good surface. So I started over and wipped this up in two days.

After about two days it was starting to take form but i needed to do one of those 'stare at it for hours things. So I hung it up on the display wall in the living room. Some time during the evening I took a few raw file pictures and brought it into the computer. The light did wonders and, compared to the actual piece, the photo – with all its shadows and highlights, was amazing. Duplicated the visual, laid it over the original and turned it at a 90 degree angle. Then I messed with the opacity and the visual started to really sing. The final piece will be a mixed media composition comprised of the original painting as a backdrop with ghosted imagery printed on plexiglass positioned in front. The whole thing will be mounted in a shadow bow-type frame. I am thinking about adding some type/message features as well. Most importantly, it is sunny and warm.

Off to a good start though. Love you, Dad

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 17,2010 1:08pm


This is the first of many. We are embarking on a new project, one were we will connect through our day to day. A challenge to us both to describe the little things. Share. Teach. Inspire.

Currently I am listening to Radiohead "Paranoid Android"on radio, oh shit, it just changed to Massive Attack "Future Proof." I love using this site when I am working on the compute because I can just plug in a band or style of music that I am in the mood to listen to and then it plays a stream of music with similar artists based on my selection. It is a kick ass way to hear new music or old music that I forgot I like. I have been working on the computer for the past two hours writing work e-mails, looking for dance studio spaces to rent for the dance class Marisa and I are putting together called "MOVES," and trying the figure out when the fuck my prints from Adorama are going to be ready! I was hoping to have them by tomorrow as they are gifts for friends, but of course I have to wait until early next week. It is my own fault for waiting until the last minute, but who could blame me in this day and age of getting everything quick and immediate I just figured my request would be fulfilled exactly to my liking. It really sucks when I don't get my way.
Today is Daniel's 30th birthday. We are going to dinner at ABC Kitchen inside of Union Square's ABC Home & Carpet. I have been once before with Julia and it was so wonderful. Daniel has never been and I know he is going to love it. I also got him a "Mountain Medley Thumbpiano" for his desk at work. I love the way it sounds and I thought it would be something nice for him to have that would enable him to create music in his work environment. Not to mention it looks cool as shit and it smells like cedar, but in actuality "...the resonator a selected hard shell gourd or coconut." Well it smells like cedar to me which oddly enough reminds me of those little chips Mom used to but in our drawers and winter clothes to keep moths away, apparently it is a moth repellent. Thank god for that too because I hate the way moth balls smell!

I also just finished having a series of back and forth emails with this woman Minerva who runs Spring Street Studio, an open class figuring drawing studio in the heart of Soho. I thought it would be fun to take Mia for her birthday and we could do something creative together. We are going to go to the 1-4:30 session in which we will get to do a series of short and long pose drawings. The last email I received from Minerva she told me tomorrow is going to be a particularly special class because the model is Sean who is an actor and a "little person." I mean really!!!! How amazing is this going to be. I can guarantee she will never forget it. I am not sure what we will do afterwards, but who cares.

So where is my day going from here? I am now going to do some design work and then I am going to write some boring work emails and then I am going to go over to my friends Weston and Sven's apartment. They are two lovely men who came with us to Cape Cod for oyster fest. I first met Weston because he is a barista at 9th St.Espresso who happens to share the same birthday with Mia (tomorrow, Nov.18th). He lives with Sven who is his best friend and at one point they were boyfriends, but now they are just friends. Weston really reminds me of you which I think I have mentioned to you before. I tell him all the time and he never gets tired of hearing it. He can't wait to meet you.
Ok daddy, I am going to sign off because this first blog has become a bit long winded. I look forward to your first entry and hearing all about your electrical work and photo shoot.
love you so.